Word Bank

Benevolent (adj.) - Doing good or performing goodwill.
Egregious (adj.) - Extraordinary in some bad way
Ideological (adj.) - Of pertaining to ideology. Ideology (noun.) -The body of doctrine, myth, belief, ect.., that guides an individual, social movement, institution, class or large group.
Impeccable (adj.) - faultless; flawless; irreproachable: impeccable manners.

Irreproachable (adj.) - not reproachable; free from blame
Ambiguity(noun.)- an unclear, indefinite, or equivocal word, expression, meaning... Stigma (noun) - A mark of disgrace or infamy; a stain or reproach as on one's reputation. Pessimism (noun) - the tendency to see, anticipate, or emphasize only bad or undesirable outcomes, results, conditions, problems, etc.: His pessimism about the future of our country depresses me.
Engender (Verb) -
to produce, cause, or give rise to: Hatred engenders violence.
Litany (noun) -
a ceremonial or liturgical form of prayer consisting of a series of invocations or supplications with responses that are the same for a number in succession.
Ubiquitous (adj.) - having or seeming to have the ability to be everywhere at once.
Tantalizing (adj.) - having something or exhibiting something that provokes or arouses expectation, interest or desire.
Benign (adj.) - showing or expressive or gentle kindness.
Inadequate (adj.) - Not adequate, lacking the quality required.
Lucid (adj.)- easily understood
Epitome (noun.) -
a person or thing that is typical of or possesses to a high degree the features of a whole class
Robust (adj.) -
strong and healthy; hardy; vigorous: a robust young man
Lucrative (adj.) - Profitable, moneymaking
Superlative (adj.)-
of the highest kind, quality, or order; surpassing all else or others; supreme; extreme: superlative wisdom.
Indignation (noun.) - Strong displeasure at something considered unjust, offensive, insulting, or base ; righteous anger
Wrath (noun.) -
strong, stern, or fierce anger; deeply resentful indignation; ire.
Incongruous (adj.) -
out of keeping or place; inappropriate; unbecoming: an incongruous effect; incongruous behavior.
Pique(verb.)-To affect with sharp irritation and resentment, especially by some wound to pride
Fabrication(noun)-The act or process of fabricating
Exacerbate(verb)-To increase the severity, bitterness, or violence of; aggravate
Demure(adj)-Not attracting or demanding a lot of attention; not flashy; quiet; polite
Exuberance(noun)- Almost uninhibitedly enthusiastic.
Propensity- An established behavior

Monday, June 18, 2012

Work Life

The best job I ever had was Jamba Juice believe it or not. Before attending Year Up, I use to work at Jamba Juice and working there was always easy and fun. I worked there for nine months, it was very easy to get hired because my friend was the assistant manager there and she referred me to her manager. The team members were nice and welcoming when I first started. They were always willing to help which made our job easier because everyone helped even our manager. Even if there was a task not assigned to me, my coworkers and I would do each other’s task just to help each other out. Jamba juice is really big on customer service and quality, there I learned how to be a fast pace worker and efficient while working with the customers by making sure their order is corrected and listen to all of their needs. The lesson I learned while working there is that no matter where you working, you still have to deal with different type of people every day. I came to realize that working at Jamba Juice is not a lucrative job if you are just a team member and not a corporate partner.  

The worst job I ever had was working as a waitress in this retirement home in Downtown Oakland.  Every day I had to work, I never felt exhilarated about going to work. The residence and staff were rude all the time like they didn’t want to be there. Throughout my experience working at different jobs, I learned that each job is different and it’s what you make it. It will always be something or someone that irritates you or bothers you but you have to just deal with things in a respectful manner.  


  1. Jamba Juice rocks! I think it is a great treasure to have work experience that you thoroughly enjoy and I love how you painted a picture of how the atmosphere was where worked. Love love love this post!

  2. Hi, Sharlynn. I always wanted to work at Jamba Juice because I want to learn how to make my own smoothies. Ghirardelli is big on customer service and quality also. You have to be nice to customers even though they are angry and yelling about their order. I'm glad you learned new skills.

    You have to teach me how to make smoothies one day.

  3. Believe it or not I love Jamba Juice! You just showed us the importance of networking, because it landed you a job you ended up enjoying.

    I have never worked as a waitress, but I after reading about your experience, I'll do my best not to.
